Solar Decathlon Design Competition Crowdfunding
April 2, 2019

This year Virginia Tech will be sending two teams to the Solar Decathlon Design Competition in Golden, CO. The teams are working on crowdfunding to help support their travel and accommodation as well as other project expenses. They're hoping to send as many team members as possible.
The two projects are TreeHAUS, a net-positive, regenerative attached housing project inspired by the way trees collect and distribute resources in the forest; and ECO-Graphi0, an envisioned office building that will be part of Virginia Tech's Corporate Research Center office park.
The projects are housed within Myers-Lawson School of Construction but involve many School of Architecture + Design students. TreeHAUS involves 12 architecture students, 1 interior design student, and 6 landscape architecture students; and ECO-Graphi0 has 7 architecture students, 1 interior design student, and 1 landscape architecture student. Each team also has many more participating from our school on an unofficial basis.
The solar teams are trying to raise $6,500 by April 25th, so please consider supporting them. You can donate and read more about each project on the crowdfund page here.
Follow along:
TreeHAUS Twitter Instagram Facebook
ECO-Graphi0 Facebook
Update: Congratulations to TreeHAUS on winning 1st place in their division, Attached Housing, as well as being the 2019 Design Challenge Grand Winner! More information to come!