Setareh Publishes New Edition of Concrete Structures
September 15, 2016

The second edition of Concrete Structures by Prof. Mehdi Setareh and Robert Darvas has been published by Springer.
The revised and updated second edition covers the analysis, design, and construction of reinforced concrete structures from a real-world perspective. It examines different reinforced concrete elements such as slabs, beams, columns, foundations, basement and retaining walls and pre-stressed concrete incorporating the most up-to-date edition of the American Concrete Institute Code (ACI 318-14) requirements for the design of concrete structures. It includes a chapter on the metric system in reinforced concrete design and construction. A new chapter on the design of formwork has been added which is of great value to students in construction engineering programs along with practicing engineers and architects. This second edition also includes a new appendix with color images illustrating various concrete construction practices, and well-designed buildings.