NOMAS Faculty Cook-Off 2018
October 15, 2018

The National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS), the student branch of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), hosted their second Faculty Cook-Off on September 23, 2018.
The idea for the event originally came about after it was revealed by the NOMAS faculty advisor, CL Bohannon, that the faculty actually love to brag about who's the best among them at cooking. NOMAS decided to put them to the test and organize a fun challenge where students would have the opportunity to judge the various dishes served.
With a great turnout of over 50 students from different years and studios getting involved to judge the 9 faculty participants, they picked the perfect time over the weekend (when none of the dining halls were open on the academic side of campus) to come together over some delicious cooking. The professors ended up bringing an impressive range of dishes from various appetizers to desserts and though all had their tasty merits, at the end of the day, Jim Bassett won best appetizer; CL Bohannon best entrée; Rachel Estep best dessert; and the honor of overall best dish went to Aki Ishida.
Aside from the Faculty Cook-Off, NOMAS' other coming events will include the NOMA National Conference in Chicago during Fall Break and they also plan to have their second "Talk About It" event with this year's topic being centered around LGBTQ representation (date and location yet to be determined).
NOMAS, now in its second year as a student organization after being reestablished at Virginia Tech, welcomes students from all academic majors within CAUS as they hope to continue their growth by fostering a friendly atmosphere of collaboration among all the disciplines. Stay tuned for what NOMAS is up to throughout the year!