M.Arch. Student Receives Honorable Mention
September 10, 2018

M.Arch. student Shane Powers has received an honorable mention in the 2018 Steel Design Student Competition sponsored by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). The competition recognizes sixteen exceptional projects, in two categories, that explore a variety of issues related to the use of steel in design and construction.
Powers received an Honorable Mention in the Affordable Housing category for his 118 Main Street Revival entry. His idea is to introduce new architecture in downtown Blacksburg to fill in a mostly vacant city block area that currently houses the downtown USPS office.
The faculty sponsor for this project is Heiner Schnoedt.
Check out the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture page to learn more about Shane Powers's competition entry and the other winners.