Student Spotlight: Thesis Student Clayton Greer
January 31, 2024

This week, the School of Architecture wants to highlight the work of Clayton Greer, a thesis student graduating this May. His thesis proposal focuses on a performance arts center in Norfolk, Virginia.
“The project challenges the typical typology of waterfront developments by redeveloping an underdeveloped site along the Elizabeth River in Norfolk, Virginia. Rather than building outwards into the river with retaining walls exclusively, the site intervention carves into the site and allows water to flow inwards. This method focuses on recreating the river’s natural edge, replanting native flora along the edge and allowing the river to expand during flooding events. Using the infill from carving into the site, the building sits on top of built-up land. The tower sits at the convergence of different axes, each which cut across the site and the performance arts center that sits below the tower. The performance arts center then expands out into the river, highlighting the dichotomy between the apparent natural edge and stark human intervention.”