Professor Nathan King Elected for a Multi-Year Term on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC)
February 11, 2024

Professor Nathan King, Co-Director of the Center for Design Research, has been elected for a multi-year term on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) by the global membership of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). ACADIA is an international network of digital design researchers and professionals that facilitates critical investigations into the role of computation in architecture, planning, and building science, encouraging innovation in design creativity, sustainability, and education. The Group recently released an open call for a special issue of the International Journal of Architectural Computing “ACADIA/IJAC Special Issue: Ecological Levers: On Degrees of Autonomy and Interdependence” This issue will explore the multifaceted relationship between humans, non-humans, more-than-humans, artificial intelligences, and (un)natural ecosystems. Of particular interest is the extent to which boundaries are blurred and are dynamically redefined through constructive relationships and collaboration.
For more information about the call for submissions please visit: