Inside Architecture + Design Offered Online this Summer
May 16, 2020

You may know, the very popular two-week-long sessions of inside Architecture + Design (iA + D), scheduled for June and July, were canceled due to COVID 19.
After teaching the last six weeks of first-year design studio online during the regular academic year, it became evident it would be possible to teach iA + D in a similar manner. Though the course will not have the personal contact and immediacy of campus life and the design studio, we believe a comprehensive insight into the ways designers think and act can be made accessible and real.
The course will be offered during the week of July 13 – 17. We will start on Monday at 12:00 noon ET (9:00 am PT) and proceed until 2:00 pm ET. The next two hours will be dedicated to working on exercises and taking a break. We will then re-convene at 4:00 pm ET until 5:30 pm ET (2:30 PT) for the closing session each day. This will be the pattern for the week and hopefully will work with the widest audience.
Students who had previously enrolled in the on-campus courses that were to be offered earlier in the summer will be given priority enrollment. However, everyone in grades 9 -12 are welcome. The course will be offered through zoom, thus a computer with internet access is necessary.