2022 Career Day Lecture and Reception: Hilary Sample
March 9, 2022

For this year's annual Career Day, Virginia Tech’s School of Architecture + Design hosted over 100 design firms in person from across the country. Hilary Sample, FAIA, the IDC Professor of Housing Design at Columbia University, and Co-Founder of the New York-based architecture and design studio MOS, presented the keynote lecture “Houses, Schools, Studios, Housing...” in Burruss Auditorium on Sunday, February 27, 2022. The morning of the lecture, Professor Sample participated in a thought-provoking discussion with students. On Sunday evening, firm representatives, faculty, and students gathered for a reception in the Art & Architecture Library in Cowgill Hall.

Throughout Monday, over 500 students met with firm representatives at their booths at the Inn at Virginia Tech, sharing their portfolios and discussing opportunities for summer internships and/or permanent positions. For the firm representatives, many of whom are graduates of our school, Career Day presents opportunities to reconnect or meet with professors and colleagues, and recruit talented students.
We thank all the firms for their ongoing, long-lasting support and look forward to next year’s event.