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Jun Yang

Ph.D. Student

Jun Yang is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in the Landscape Architecture program at Virginia Tech University. She earned her bachelor’s degree in environmental design at Nankai University in China and her master’s degree in sustainable architecture and landscape design at Politecnico di Milano in Italy. Jun has studied and practiced architecture, urban, landscape, interior, and art design. Her interest in landscape architecture started when she joined some heritage protection items, and she has experience in landscape protection projects in Milan, Piacenza, and Rio de Janeiro. Those academic and practical experiences inspired her research interests in the urban landscape.

Jun’s Ph.D. research will focus on the nighttime landscape and its micro-climate change. She also researches digital landscapes, urban public spaces, and outdoor thermal comfort. She hopes her work will help to facilitate further research on micro-climate regulation and urban micro-climate issues.

Mintai Kim