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Kambiz Kia

Ph.D. Student

From the early days of my journey in architecture, marked by my bachelor's degree, to my current pursuit of a Ph.D. in Architecture and Design research at Virginia Tech, I've remained dedicated to advancing in the field. Alongside my academic endeavors, which include two master's degrees in Interior architecture and also Architecture and design technology and ongoing studies for my 3rd master's degree in Building Construction and Management, I've sought to build a solid academic foundation. Beyond academia, I've had the privilege of exploring entrepreneurship, founding a sustainable smart city startup, and contributing to a variety of architectural projects. Teaching architectural software like Revit, Rhino, Photoshop, and Enscape has been an enriching experience, allowing me to share my knowledge and passion with others. At the heart of my work lies a commitment to integrating technology into the built environment, blending my creative instincts with practical construction expertise. Currently, my research focuses on the complex relationship between place essence and Artificial Intelligence within immersive environments, drawing from XR, HCI, and HCD principles. Through these diverse approaches, I hope to create immersive spaces that deeply resonate on emotional and cultural levels, fostering a sense of genuine belonging for individuals within these environments.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) XR (Extended Reality) Immersive Environments Emotional Connection and sense of belonging Human-computer interaction Human-centered design Interactive design

James Jones