Student FAQ's
How Can I Prepare for the Event as a Student?
Before Career Day, you have the opportunity to attend multiple workshops focused on preparing resumes, portfolios, and elevator pitches.
Make an appointment at VT Career and Professional Development for additional help. You have the option to schedule a 15-minute mini-appointment or a longer 30-60 minute appointment with an advisor.
Representatives from VT Career and Professional Development will have a booth and be present throughout the day to help students with elevator pitches, prepping for interviews, and confidence. If you are feeling a bit nervous, visit their booth and talk with a CPD representative.
Reach out to your academic advisors, studio faculty, and professionals at the AIAS workshop for a review of your resume and portfolio. AIAS Portfolio Review hosted by AIAS Virginia Tech will also take place. More information coming soon.
Blueprint for Success Workshop Series
“Blueprint for Success” Workshop Series will be hosted by the School of Architecture, School of Design, and Career and Professional Development.
You can view the slides below:
Still Have Questions? See our FAQ's Below.
Yes! Please be prepared to highlight your skills and experiences to company representatives. If you have not created a resume or want to edit your resume, please attend our Resume Workshop, date TBD. For your portfolio, attend the AIAS Portfolio Review, date TBD.
Make sure to upload one combined pdf containing both your resume and a brief work sample on Handshake a few weeks before the event so firms can find you in advance! Keep the sample short (no more than two pages) and focused on work directly relevant to the kinds of jobs you’re interested in.
Some companies have staffing needs and are seeking hires. Some companies are also participating to meet and connect with students. Each exchange is important, as some connections made this year can result in a hire/partnership in the future.
See our Participating Firms page. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
For students, registration is now open. If you would like to guarantee that firms have access to your profile, register by February 16th. Otherwise, you may show up the day of to participate. Whether you registered or not, It is strongly advised to bring mutliple copies of your resume/portfolio to Career Day.