Master of Architecture 2 (M.Arch.2)
Based at Blacksburg Campus + Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center (WAAC)

An Advanced Professional Studies option (M.Arch.2) is offered for the student who has previously obtained a four-year, pre-professional baccalaureate degree in architecture.
The first year of study continues the student’s professional building design education and related technical and history/theory studies. The second year is reserved for preparation of a design thesis demonstrative of the student’s academic accomplishment and professional potential. Students in this program typically complete 54 (min.) credit hours, normally requiring at least two academic years (four semesters) of study.
Students may elect to enroll in the M.Arch.2 program at the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center (National Capital Region – NCR) for all or a portion of their required studies. Students in the M.Arch.2 program may also spend a semester participating in the Europe Study Abroad Program in residence at the Steger Center for International Scholarship in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland.
View a detailed description and typical program of study for the M.Arch.2 program option