Virginia Tech Selected to Compete in Solar Decathlon 2025
November 7, 2023

Last Wednesday, November 1, the GATEWAY DECATHLON organization, announced the twelve teams to compete in the next international solar house design competition. Virginia Tech stands out as one of the strongest entries based on design concepts and a past track record of success in past decathlons. With LumenHAUS and FutureHAUS, winning first place in the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 and Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 competitions respectively. The competition will be hosted under the St. Louis Arch in October 2025. The twelve teams will showcase their innovative, solar-powered homes and compete in the decathlon’s ten sub-contests.
Spring Kickstart; Be a part of our next house:
This upcoming spring, a research-based course will be offered to kick-start the design of the next house. In the course, students will research various topics related to smart homes, solar technology, prefab buildings, sustainability, aging in place, and AI. The course will also invite a wide range of guest lecturers providing valuable input on research topics The course is open to students of all years and majors. The course numbers are ARCH 4984/5984 SS: FutureHAUS AI.